Chapter 14.08


14.08.010    Permit.

14.08.020    Application.

14.08.030    Permit duration.

14.08.010 Permit.

No person shall occupy or make use of a public right-of-way in a way that would limit the unobstructed use of such by the general public, without first obtaining an encroachment permit. (Ord. 6037 § 2, 2024; Ord. 4526 § 1, 1982; Ord. 196 § 1, 1890).

14.08.020 Application.

Application for an encroachment permit shall be made on the form provided by the City of Albany Public Works Department and shall contain:

(1) The name of the person or organization requesting the permit; and

(2) A description of the intended use, dates of use, and, if required, a drawing or site plan that indicates size, materials, and location of the intended use.

(3) If required, a traffic control plan for any impacts to vehicle movements or accessible route plan for any impacts to pedestrian movements. (Ord. 6037 § 2, 2024).

14.08.030 Permit duration.

The permit shall be valid for the period specified thereon or 60 days. Permits may be renewed at the discretion of the public works director. Permits may be revoked, or renewal thereof denied, for violation of conditions placed on the permit, or for any fraud or misrepresentation in the application. (Ord. 6037 § 2, 2024).