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kemmer2019winnerWinner of the 2019 Challenge:
"Nacho Disaster, It's Mine!" by Melissa Kemmer

Download Recipe (pdf)

Runners-up, "Bean Prepared" by Nikki Renardo (recipe) and "End of the World Custard" by Jon Kenneke (recipe)

September is Preparedness Month! The City of Albany invites you to compete in our second annual Emergency Food Cookoff Challenge. Inspired by The Food Network’s “Chopped” and other TV food contests, contestants are challenged to create something delicious from the non-gourmet, shelf-stable foods and potable water in your home emergency kits.


  • Use one or more of the ingredients on our list below and other nonperishable pantry items: seasonings, condiments, sweeteners, shelf-stable liquids.
  • Submit your recipe with a photo below. Extra points for clever names.
  • Keep it real: use manual disaster-friendly appliances and tools. You should be able to cook your recipe during the time provided on a standard camp stove.
  • Total prep and cook time is less than 30 minutes with results submitted to a panel of judges to evaluate for taste, presentation, and creativity.

Live Competition

We’ll choose three finalists for the chance to compete live at Albany Farmers Market (City Hall parking lot) at 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 28, 2019.


The champion will win an emergency kit, a camp stove and a trophy suitable for display or to be part of the kit. And it won’t be a disaster if you don’t win: prizes also go to the second- and third-place finishers.

Submit your recipe

The deadline for submitting your recipe is Friday, September 20 at 5:00 p.m.

Entries are accepted online using the form below. The three live contestants will be notified shortly after the deadline.

Fill out my online form.

emergency food cookoff 2 anim

Ingredients commonly found in emergency kits

  • Canned or packaged tuna, beef, or chicken
  • Pinto, black, cannellini or other canned beans
  • Canned fruit or vegetable juice
  • Bottled water, coconut water or mineral water
  • Canned soda, beer or wine
  • Shelf-stable milk
Starches, grains and nuts:
  • mixednutsCorn chips
  • Rice
  • Mixed nuts
  • Pasta
  • Dry cereal or oats
Fruits and vegetables:
  • Canned fruit or vegetables
  • Canned sauces (curry, tomato, etc.)
  • Dried fruit
  • Canned chilies
Comfort foods:
  • Peanut butter
  • Trail mix
  • Canned or jarred cheese sauce

Other items are acceptable if the judges say so, but may decrease your score. Ready-made emergency meals (MREs, Mountain House freeze-dried meals) are OK, too.

If it can go into an emergency kit, it’s good!

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