Vacancies are filled year-round. Applicants must live within the Albany city limits. By policy, councilors shall make appointment from their respective wards whenever possible. The mayor’s appointments are at-large. Residents may not serve simultaneously on the Budget Committee, Library Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, or Planning Commission as these groups have the greatest influence on city council decisions. Membership may be extended to any qualified person with an interest in the Albany Municipal Airport with the exception of anyone found to have significant financial interest in the anticipated considerations of the Commission.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart from within their ward whenever possible with nominations ratified by the Council. Currently available position: At least two members of the Commission shall be a representative of the local arts community or have a background or professional knowledge of the arts.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart from within their ward whenever possible with nominations ratified by the Council. Members must be city residents and must be registered voters.
No person shall serve simultaneously on the Budget Review Committee, Library Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, or Planning Commission.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart from within their ward whenever possible with nominations ratified by the Council.
A minimum of five years of professional experience on matters pertaining to building design and/or construction and who are not employees of the jurisdiction. Membership shall include a minimum of one registered design professional, one residential contractor, one commercial contractor, and two at-large members.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Members are appointed by the council at-large. The City Council shall endeavor to ensure low- and moderate-income persons and minorities are represented on the Commission. The Commission shall consist of members deemed by the Council to have backgrounds as follows:
(1) Three at-large members from the general public.
(2) One rep from the financial industry.
(3) One rep from the housing industry.
(4) One rep with experience in economic development.
(5) One rep from the social services or affordable housing industries.
(6) One rep from the Human Relations Commission.
(7) One rep from the Planning Commission.
(8) One rep from the City Council
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
The mayor shall appoint members with council ratification. Currently available position: The city council will endeavor to appoint commissioners who represent a cross-section of the entire community.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council. Each member shall have demonstrable knowledge, interest, or competence in historic preservation and additionally in one of the following fields: architecture, landscape architecture, history, art history, education, construction, real estate, development, urban planning, archaeology, law, finance, cultural geography, cultural anthropology, local history, or related disciplines.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council.
The Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) requires members of this group to complete a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) for the State of Oregon. Appointments begin July 1.
No person shall hold appointment as a member for more than two full consecutive terms, but any person may be appointed again to the board after an interval of one year.
No person shall serve simultaneously on the Budget Review Committee, Library Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, or Planning Commission.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council. No person shall serve simultaneously on the Budget Review Committee, Library Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, or Planning Commission.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council. No more than two voting members shall be engaged principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit as an individual, or be a member of a partnership, or officer or employee of any corporation or other legal entity that is engaged principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit.
No person shall serve simultaneously on the Budget Review Committee, Library Board, Parks & Recreation Commission, or Planning Commission.
No voting member shall be related to another voting member of the Commission nor to a member of the City Council closer than the third degree of either blood relationship or through affinity
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council. The Mayor has three appointments that are at -large; however, no more than four members shall be from any single ward of the city.
The Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) requires members of this group to complete a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) for the State of Oregon. Currently available position: The Mayor and Council may appoint one member outside the city as a representative of the rural fire districts that contract with the City for fire protection.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council. Applicants may not be a TLT recipient or a board member of a TLT recipient or TLT collector organization.
Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council.
The Oregon Government Ethics Commission (OGEC) requires members of this group to complete a Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) for the State of Oregon. Principal place of residence within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Albany. (Res 6797)
Each council member shall have one counterpart with nominations ratified by the Council. Currently available position:Airport Advisory Commission
Term: 3 years
(appointed by Councilor McLeod, Ward 2b)
Arts Commission
Term: 3 years
Budget Review Committee
Term: 4 years
Building Board of Appeals
Term: 3 years
Community Development Commission
Term: 3 years
(appointed by Mayor Alex Johnson II)
Human Relations Commission
Term: 3 years
Landmarks Commission
Term: 3 years
Library Board
Term: 4 years
Parks, Recreation and Tree Advisory Commission
Term: 3 years
Planning Commission
Term: 4 years
(appointed by Councilor Thomson, Ward 1b)
Public Safety Commission
Term: 3 years
Tourism Advisory Committee
Term: 3 years
Transportation Advisory Commission
Term: 3 years
(appointed by Councilor McGhee, Ward 3a)