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You can speak during public hearings or during Public Comment. The Public Comment item is not scheduled on every agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes unless extended by the Mayor.  

Public hearings

If you want to provide testimony during public hearings you may:

  • Email written comments to the staff contact, listed in the agenda or public notice, including your name and subject of the public hearing, before noon on the day of the meeting.
  • Testify virtually during the public hearing by emailing the staff contact, listed in the agenda or public notice, before noon on the day of the meeting, with your name; phone number; and if you are speaking for, against, or neutral on the project/subject. The mayor will call upon those who have registered to speak.
  • Appear in person at the meeting and register to speak using the signup sheet on the table.

Public Comment

If the meeting includes Public Comment on the agenda you may:

  • Submit written comments and/or register to speak virtually before noon on the day of the meeting using the Public Comment button on the Meeting Materials page.
  • Appear in person at the meeting and register to speak.
  • Speakers are limited to three minutes.
  • Documents discussed at the meeting that are not in the agenda packet are archived in the record. Documents from staff are posted to the website after the meeting. Documents submitted by the public are available by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Code of Conduct for virtual testimony:

  • Microphones should be muted and webcams should be turned off when joining. You will be admitted when it is your turn to speak.
  • If a virtual participant disrupts the meeting, their microphone and webcam will be turned off.
  • If disruption continues, the participant will be removed from the meeting.


  • For questions on City Council business, contact your City Councilors.
  • For questions regarding speaking at Council meetings or copies of minutes prior to 2003, contact the City Clerk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • The summary documents on the Meeting Materials page provide Resolution and Ordinance numbers that were passed by the City Council.

About City Council

The City Council is the legislative branch of our local government. It is composed of a mayor and six councilors with two councilors elected from each ward. The councilors serve for a term of four years, and the mayor serves for a term of two years. The Council adopts laws called ordinances, passes resolutions, sets policies, adopts the budget, levies taxes, and conducts public meetings.

The current Albany City Charter became effective on January 1, 1957. By Charter, the City of Albany adopted a council-manager form of government. The Charter provides that the City Manager is the administrative head of the City, and the manager serves at the pleasure of the Council.

Council Member Manual

The manual includes protocols that were developed at an Albany City Council training session held on January 19, 2018, and endorsed by council on February 26, 2018. They are intended to set expectations for the conduct and working relationships of council members.

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