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Our Mission

Providing quality public services for a better Albany community.

Our Vision

A vital and diversified community that promotes a high quality of life, great neighborhoods, balanced economic growth, and quality public services.

Our Values

The following list of value statements has been reviewed and revised by City employees and adopted by the City Council as indicators of what we expect from our employees and elected officials and as indicators of what our public should expect from us:

Transparent, Open, and Honest Government.

This value reflects our first and most important responsibility. Our competence is measured and, in fact, reinforced through active engagement of those we serve. We maintain an organizational reputation for openness, honesty, and integrity.

Dedication to Service.

Our primary duty is to the people we serve. We are accessible, responsive, consistent, and understanding. We provide assistance beyond our customers' expectations, and we find effective solutions to problems that they bring to our attention.

Fiscal Responsibility.

Proper use of public resources is a trust which we continually guard. In our management of this trust, we must avoid even the appearance of impropriety. In our management of public funds, we constantly strive for the greatest possible efficiency and effectiveness.

Personal Honesty and Integrity.

Each of us demonstrates the highest standards of personal integrity and honesty in our public activities to inspire confidence and trust in our government.


We continually pursue excellence by being creative, professional, taking risks, showing initiative, and being committed to our community and team. In this pursuit, we support continuing education and training for all team members.


We are a team that emphasizes high levels of trust and cooperation and a commitment to, excellent communications within the organization. We encourage employees to exercise independent judgment in meeting customer needs through professional behavior that is consistent with our values.

A Humane and Diverse Organization.

We are a humane organization that honors diversity and protects individual rights. Open communication, respect for others, compassion, and a sense of humor contribute to our positive work environment. We make it possible for every employee to achieve his or her full potential. We value the cultural and social diversity that is reflected in our community, and we welcome the changes and new perspectives that this diversity brings to us. We protect those individuals whose basic rights are placed in jeopardy.

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