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Excellence Through Service
We encourage community involvement and input. By working together, we will continue to create and maintain the quality of life we expect for all who live in and visit Albany.

We provide "Excellence Through Service" to Albany, Oregon's residents, business owners, and visitors.


For Businesses


Wednesdays, 9-11 am, 1-3 pm, in 30 min appts; $20/appt for those living or owning a business in Albany city limits, $30/appt for others. Call 541-917-7680 to schedule.

Active shooter training for your workplace

Including recognition / prevention, response and post response with a section on trauma care.

Watch the video "Run. Hide. Fight." Courtesy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

For Seniors

Department tours are offered to schools and other groups. Call 541-917-7680 to schedule a tour.

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The Albany Police Department employs 66 sworn officers and 35 civilian staff who carry on a rich tradition of professional public safety service.

Community partnerships are integral to our success in maintaining the public safety in Albany. In order to accomplish our mission of "Excellence Through Service," we encourage community involvement and input. By working together, we will continue to create and maintain the quality of life we expect for all who live in and visit Albany, Oregon.

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