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Excellence Through Service
We encourage community involvement and input. By working together, we will continue to create and maintain the quality of life we expect for all who live in and visit Albany.

The City of Albany enacted an ordinance requiring that persons who have a burglary or robbery alarm which summons police to any building or premises must obtain an alarm user permit. Alarm users who have more than one false alarm during the calendar year permit period are subject to a surcharge.

The police department administers this program for the City of Albany. The ordinance was enacted because over 90% of alarms are false. It is important that we reduce the number of false alarms so that police will have more time to perform other necessary services.

In addition to reducing the number of false alarms, the permit system contributes to more effective police response. The permit system will provide current premise or occupant information for the safety and protection of users and emergency responders.

Permit Fee Schedule
Permits are $20 a year for a burglary or robbery alarm. Permits are valid from January 1st through December 31. Each year the permit must be received by February 15 or a permit delinquency charge will be accessed. New permits for alarm systems installed after August 1 of each year will be valid until December 31 of the following year.

No permit fee is required for a residential alarm user over the age of 62 years or for governmental agencies; however, a permit is still required.

Surcharges for false alarms:

First false alarms in permit year No fine
Second  $50
Third $100
Fourth $150
Fifth $200
Sixth through Ninth $250 each
Tenth false alarm and any additional false alarms in permit year $300 each
Alarm Permit Delinquency Fee $15

False alarms do not include alarm signals caused by violent conditions of nature or other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to control by the alarm user.

Sound Emission Cutoff Feature
It is a violation of the ordinance for an audible alarm that can be heard outside the building or structure to sound for more than 15 minutes. The audible alarm must be equipped with a sound emission cutoff feature.

To Obtain Your Permit
Home Security System Alarm Permit Application (pdf) 

Please complete the attached application and return it to us with your check or money order for $20, made payable to the CITY OF ALBANY.

Mail it to the Albany Police Department, 2600 Pacific Blvd SW Albany, OR 97321.

Your cancelled check will be your receipt unless you deliver your application and payment in person. Alarm applications not received by the Albany Police Department within 30 days of alarm installation or expiration of a prior permit will be subject to a $15 delinquency charge.

Any questions you have regarding this permit program may be directed to Police Clerk Kaylan Beaulieu-McCann at 541-791-0252 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Albany Police Department employs 66 sworn officers and 35 civilian staff who carry on a rich tradition of professional public safety service.

Community partnerships are integral to our success in maintaining the public safety in Albany. In order to accomplish our mission of "Excellence Through Service," we encourage community involvement and input. By working together, we will continue to create and maintain the quality of life we expect for all who live in and visit Albany, Oregon.

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