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Excellence Through Service
We encourage community involvement and input. By working together, we will continue to create and maintain the quality of life we expect for all who live in and visit Albany.

Albany Police Benevolent Association (APBA)

apbaThe Albany Police Benevolent Association is a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to the enhancement of the community within the City of Albany, Linn County, Oregon through giving. Our organization is comprised of primarily members of the Albany Police Department who generously give monthly dues. The Albany Police Benevolent Association is passionate about the youth of our community. We strongly believe that by supporting our youth, we are nurturing our future leaders.


Each year, the APBA offers two $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who attend school in the Greater Albany Public School District. Senior high school students interested in applying for the scholarship can click on the link for the scholarship packet:

Scholarship Packet


Throughout the year, the APBA proudly sponsors several youth sports teams within the community. The APBA also participates with community-focused agencies including the Boys and Girls Club, The ABC House (Child Advocacy Center), Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program, and Oregon Special Olympics to name a few. The motto of the Albany Police Department is “Excellence Through Service”. The Albany Police Benevolent Association accentuates that philosophy with our motto, “Serving Our Community”.


Funding for the APBA is generated through APD employee contributions and private donations.

At the end of 2024, the Albany Police Benevolent Association was able to donate $7,000 to the Willamette Valley First Responder Chaplains.

apba wvfrc 2024

Albany Safety Foundation

apsf website logoThe Albany Safety Foundation (ASF) is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 organization. The main purpose of the foundation is to raise funds for the following Fire and Police programs in Albany.

One example of the work the foundation has done to date is training in CPR and proper heart defibrillator (AED) use to approximately 700 Greater Albany Public Schools 8th grade students each school year. Additionally, the foundation has helped equip 14 Albany Police Department patrol cars and qualifying City public places with AEDs.

You can make a donation by visiting the foundation website at 

The Albany Police Department employs 66 sworn officers and 35 civilian staff who carry on a rich tradition of professional public safety service.

Community partnerships are integral to our success in maintaining the public safety in Albany. In order to accomplish our mission of "Excellence Through Service," we encourage community involvement and input. By working together, we will continue to create and maintain the quality of life we expect for all who live in and visit Albany, Oregon.

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