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housing hip

Housing Implementation Plan

An equitable and actionable Housing Implementation Plan (HIP) will evaluate policies and strategies that the City can employ to address Albany’s current and future housing needs. The HIP will also build upon community conversations and support around the Expanding Housing Options project that will update the City’s development code and Comprehensive Plan to allow middle housing and comply with House Bill 2001.

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housing hb2001

Middle Housing in Albany

Albany and other cities in Oregon are facing a housing affordability crisis. Oregon is one of the fastest-growing states in the U.S.; however, housing production has not kept up with the demand.

The Oregon Legislature passed House Bill 2001 (HB 2001) in August 2019 to help provide Oregonians with more housing choices, especially housing choices that more people may be able to afford in the long term.

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housing fair

Fair Housing & Discrimination

Fair Housing refers to a set of federal, state, and local laws that prohibit housing discrimination based on a person's race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, source of income, familial status (children in the household under age 18, anticipated presence of children through adoption, pregnancy etc.), marital status, or physical or mental disability. 

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Discriminatory Covenants

People who own older residential property in Albany may find racial restrictive covenants in their property deed and CCRs. Learn more about discriminatory covenants and how to get them removed from property records.

housing need

Housing Needs & Economic Analyses

In July 2019, the City hired consultant team Angelo Planning Group and Johnson Economics to conduct a buildable lands inventory and prepare a Housing Needs Analysis and Economic Opportunities Analysis so the city can better understand its capacity for residential and employment growth within City limits and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to 2040. 

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