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The City Council serves on the CARA Advisory Board, and each member appoints a counterpart member on the CARA Advisory Board. Advisory Board members generally live or own property or businesses in the Central Albany area.


NameAppointedByExpiresFull Term*
Vacant  Ward 3-a12/31/2022
Vacant  Ward 1-b12/31/2022
Vacant  Ward 2-a12/31/2023
Vacant  Ward 3-b12/31/2023
Vacant  Mayor12/31/2023
Vacant  Ward 2-b12/31/2024
Camron Settlemier  2/16/2022Ward 1-a12/31/2024 1st

C = Chair; VC = Vice Chair

Membership information

Term of office: 3 years.
*(Appointments within six months of position start date are considered full term.)

Central Albany Revitalization Area (CARA) Advisory Board includes lay members (above) and the full Albany Revitalization Agency.

Staff liaison

Sophie Adams
Economic Development Manager
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Upcoming Meetings

CARA Advisory Board meets as-needed.

There are no upcoming meetings scheduled for this group.

View full calendar

Meeting Materials


There are no documents available for this group in 2025.

Public Meetings Law Grievances

OAR 199-050-0070 requires us to publish contact information for submitting a grievance alleging violation of the Oregon public meetings laws. Written grievances may be submitted by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; by mail to: Albany City Clerk, City Hall, 333 Broadalbin Street, Albany, Oregon 97321; or by coming to City Hall during regular business hours.

The Community Development Department guides growth and development within Albany by balancing the needs of current residents with those of future generations to ensure that the community remains a vibrant and desirable place to live, work, and play.

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