Our brand is a public reflection of our mission, vision, and core values reflected in the City's strategic plan. Our responsibility is to actively and responsively engage those we serve through professional, consistent, efficient, and accessible communication. How we talk, write, and design should reflect that commitment.
External partners and organizations must first contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for consent to use our logo or other assets. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
Official City Logo
Official logo
The City of Albany logo communicates who we are immediately. Using it correctly is a key part of maintaining a professional and consistent brand.
- The City’s primary logo is a refresh of a logo that was used for almost 30 years.
- This logo improves upon familiar symbols with a modern color palette and a bold, balanced, scalable look.
- This recognizable symbol acts as a seal of approval on all City of Albany branded materials.
- It must be used in all publications and promotional materials for City programs and services.
- The logo must never be altered, stretched, or modified in any way without consent of the City.
Standard logo
This version of the logo is to be used whenever possible.
Single color logo
For one-color printing (black preferred).
If you have questions regarding usage of this logo, contact the City's Communications Officer.
Reversed, transparent logo
To be used over official City blue (Reflex Blue) and green (327) or sparingly over high-contrast photos.
If you have questions regarding usage of this logo, contact the City's Communications Officer.
With the exception of letterhead and other stationery items, the logo should not occupy a leading or central position within a design. Rather, it should act as an endorsing feature.
Clear space
A clear space of one-quarter of the logo's width (.25x) should surround the logo, illustrated here with the dashed lines. The logo should never be conjoined or adjacent to other graphic and copy elements other than department typography.
Primary colors
Our primary colors set the tone of any design and are used in contrast with ample proportions of white and/or white space.
trust, confidence, stability, and water
In this logo blue refers to our rivers, the bridge that connects the city, and our past as Oregon's "Hub City."
nature, renewal, and vigor
Green represents the importance of our parks and open spaces, economic development, and revitalization.
PANTONE REFLEX BLUEC=100, M=72, Y=0, K=6 R=0, G=83, B=159 HEX=00539F |
PANTONE REFLEX BLUE (30%)C=30, M=22, Y=0, K=2 R=170, G=181, B=218 HEX=AAB5DA |
PANTONE 348C=100, M=11, Y=71, K=31 R=0, G=117, B=89 HEX=007559 |
Accent colors
Use one of these accent colors in a design to provide emphasis.
PANTONE 375C=45, M=9, Y=96, K=0 R=156, G=188, B=65 HEX=9CBC41 |
PANTONE 669C=82, M=91, Y=37, K=32 R=64, G=43, B=86 HEX=402B56 |
PANTONE WARM REDC=0, M=87, Y=80, K=0 R=255, G=67, B=56 HEX=FF4338 |
Do not use multiple accents in the same layout; avoid a rainbow effect.
Neutral colors
These colors help warm and soften design elements.
PANTONE COOL GRAY 10C=61, M=53, Y=48, K=19 R=100, G=101, B=105 HEX=646569 |
PANTONE 413C=27, M=22, Y=29, K=0 R=188, G=185, B=175 HEX=BCB9AF |
PANTONE COOL GRAY 1C=13, M=11, Y=12, K=0 R=219, G=217, B=214 HEX=DBD9D6 |
Consistent use of our typefaces reinforces Albany’s brand identity.
Primary font family: Myriad Pro / Segoe UI
Myriad Pro should be used when available for headings and some body copy. For Microsoft environments (like the City) where Myriad Pro is unavailable, use Segoe UI. Segoe (pronounced see-go) has a strong resemblance to Myriad Pro and the full font family, which includes a variety of weights and comes standard in all Microsoft platforms.
As a general guide, headlines should be twice as large as subheads, which should be twice as large as body copy. When using Myriad Pro Light, use larger point sizes to maximize readability. Bold and semibold should be reserved for subheads.
Serif font family: Adobe Garamond / Garamond
For formal communications like official letters, memos, agendas, invitations and programs, use Adobe Garamond (or Garamond on Microsoft platforms).
Apparel (Screenprinting and Embroidery)
If you are looking to order City-branded items, stick with the following general color rules. If you have any questions or doubt about color usage on apparel with the City's brand, or are working with a new vendor, contact the Communications Officer or designee.
Typical Safety Orange workshirt
Black or blue single color screenprint. Work shirts should not be embroidered as the cost is more than the shirt.
Typical Safety Yellow workshirt
Black or blue single color screenprint. Work shirts should not be embroidered as the cost is more than the shirt.
Grey or other dark color tshirts
White screenprint.
Light color garment embroidery
Dark color garment embroidery
Also available for application to hats and other items, 2.5" woven patch.
If you see something like this, it is incorrect.
Secondary (department) logos
Secondary Logos & Branding
The Albany Public Library as well as Fire, Parks and Recreation, and Police Departments, are authorized to continue using their current logos.
On items relating to City Council functions, the City logo will be placed prominently with the departmental logo displayed as secondary, either through opacity, size or other such visual device.
On all other items where the City logo is used with a secondary logo, the City logo will be placed to the left of the secondary logo. The City logo will not appear smaller than the secondary logo.
Clean, current copies of all official logos and miscellaneous branding items are available on the City's network at N:\City\Logos\ in folders organized by department. Be sure to check here before using copies from previous projects as the current, approved version may differ from what you have on file.