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ePermitting system upgrade (April 10-14) and department closure (April 11).

The Albany ePermitting System will be unavailable from 4:00 p.m. on April 10 through 6:00 a.m. on April 14 while we move from our current servers to our vendor's cloud product. This work is necessary as our vendor will no longer support our current system.

Additionally, the department will be closed for all business from 10 am until 1 pm on April 11.

Any permits not fully submitted by April 9 at 5:00 p.m. may require you to re-upload documents once the system is back online. During the work period, you will not be able to create permits, schedule inspections, upload documents, or make payments. Staff will also be unable to access the system but are available to answer general permitting and inspection questions at 541-917-7550, except during the department closure on April 11.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding while we do this necessary upgrade to Albany’s ePermitting system.

Adjustment Planning Checklist
Annexation Planning Checklist
Appeal Notice/Request for a Public Hearing Planning Checklist
Comprehensive Plan Amendments Planning Checklist
Conditional Use Planning Checklist
Development Code Amendment Planning Checklist
Expedited Land Division-Acknowledgement Form Planning Checklist
Expedited Land Division-Tentative Plat Planning Checklist
Floodplain Development Review Planning Checklist
Historic Review-Demolition or Moving Planning Checklist
Historic Review-Exterior Alterations Planning Checklist
Historic Review-Landmark Designation Planning Checklist
Historic Review-New Construction Planning Checklist
Historic Review-Substitute Materials Planning Checklist
Land Division-Final Plat Planning Checklist
Land Division-Tentative Plat Planning Checklist
Land Use Signature Page Planning Checklist
Middle Housing Land Division-Tentative Plat Planning Checklist
Modification of an Approved Plan Planning Checklist
Natural Resource Impact Review-Mitigation Supplement Planning Checklist
Natural Resource Impact Review Planning Checklist
Natural Resource-Boundary Refinement Planning Checklist
Nonconforming Situations Planning Checklist
Planned Development-Final Planning Checklist
Planned Development-Preliminary Planning Checklist
Property Line Adjustment Planning Checklist
Residential Accessory Structures Compatibility Worksheet Planning Checklist
Site Plan Review-Accessory Building Planning Checklist
Site Plan Review-Tree Felling Planning Checklist
Site Plan Review Planning Checklist
Temporary Placements Planning Checklist
Vacation Planning Checklist
Variance-Major Planning Checklist
Variance-Minor Planning Checklist
Willamette River Greenway Use Planning Checklist
Zoning Map Amendment Planning Checklist
Pre-Application Conference Application Planning Checklist

ePermitting system upgrade (April 10-14) and department closure (April 11).

The Albany ePermitting System will be unavailable from 4:00 p.m. on April 10 through 6:00 a.m. on April 14 while we move from our current servers to our vendor's cloud product. This work is necessary as our vendor will no longer support our current system.

Additionally, the department will be closed for all business from 10 am until 1 pm on April 11.

Any permits not fully submitted by April 9 at 5:00 p.m. may require you to re-upload documents once the system is back online. During the work period, you will not be able to create permits, schedule inspections, upload documents, or make payments. Staff will also be unable to access the system but are available to answer general permitting and inspection questions at 541-917-7550, except during the department closure on April 11.

We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding while we do this necessary upgrade to Albany’s ePermitting system.

The Community Development Department guides growth and development within Albany by balancing the needs of current residents with those of future generations to ensure that the community remains a vibrant and desirable place to live, work, and play.

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