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Project Overview

hna1In July 2019, the City hired consultant team Angelo Planning Group and Johnson Economics to conduct a buildable lands inventory and prepare a Housing Needs Analysis and Economic Opportunities Analysis so the city can better understand its capacity for residential and employment growth within City limits and the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) to 2040.  

The Housing Needs Analysis will satisfy Statewide Planning Goal 10, which requires cities to assess current and 20-year housing needs by tenure, cost, and unit type, and ensure policies and codes address needs. The analysis provides essential data and recommends strategies for the city to consider in order to address housing needs to 2040. The analysis and strategies are a critical first step to preparing a Housing Production Strategy, which is a new requirement of House Bill 2003. Learn more on the Housing Needs Analysis tab above.

The Economic Opportunities Analysis projects employment to 2040 and determines the type and sizes of land that are projected to be needed to accommodate employment growth.  The analysis provides a foundation for the City to develop an economic development strategy.  Learn more on the Economic Opportunities Analysis tab above.

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You can also call Anne Catlin at 541-917-7560.

This page will be updated with dates for other project meetings and events as they are scheduled. 

The Community Development Department guides growth and development within Albany by balancing the needs of current residents with those of future generations to ensure that the community remains a vibrant and desirable place to live, work, and play.

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