In 2023, the City of Albany maintained 190 miles of paved streets, 22 traffic signals, 7,800 signs and 71 miles of painted pavement striping. These numbers increase every year with new development and planned street improvement projects.
The City of Albany is responsible for these streets. The other streets and roads are maintained by private owners, the Oregon Department of Transportation, Linn County and Benton County.
Albany's streets are classified in three categories: arterial, collector, or local streets:

Arterials are transportation corridors that generally have high traffic volumes and provide service for trips of moderate to extended length. They connect to regional transportation routes. Examples are Waverly Drive, Queen Avenue, North Albany Road, and the State highway system.

Collector streets serve the role of gathering and channeling traffic from local streets to the arterial network. They provide for a combination of local access and through movements. Examples are Marion Street, Jackson Street, Price Road, and Crocker Lane.

Local streets are low traffic volume roads that provide direct access to abutting land, such as the street in front of your home. They are not intended to be used for long-distance through movements.
This map shows Albany's arterial, collector, and local streets.
Visit Past Presentations and Public Meetings to see memos, presentations, and meeting minutes for recent City Council discussions about Albany's streets.