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January 1869 Albany Engine Co. No. 1 is organized.
1869 Hand-drawn pumper was purchased from San Francisco.
September 1875 Linn Engine Co. No. 2 is organized.
May 1876 First steam engine purchased (Clapp & Jones Class 4).
1877 First fire bell was purchased.
February 1878 Albany & Linn engine companies combine to form Albany Fire Department.
1892 Hand-drawn pumper is sold to Stayton Fire Department.
1892 Second steam engine purchased (Clapp & Jones Class 2). In 1899 this steam engine blew up.
1892 Became a paid Fire Department.
1904 First fire alarm box system installed
1907 The first steam engine is traded for a new steamer (American LaFrance Metropolitan). This steamer was purchased from the Hoquiam Washington Fire Department.
1913 First motorized pumper is purchased (1913 White).
1920 Fordson tractor is purchased to pull the American LaFrance steamer.
1925 Replacement pumper is purchased (1925 Seagrave). The 1913 White pumper blew up in route to a fire.
1951 New fire station is built on Lyon Street (Station 11). In November 1999 this station was dedicated to the memory of Chief Hayne.
May 1955 First aerial apparatus is put in service (85’ Peter Pirsch).
August 1955 Frederickson Funeral Home takes over ambulance service.
August 6, 1959 Linn Plywood mill burns. This is the largest fire in the history of the Department. This is also the same day as the famous Roseburg blast.
1963 Oregon Legislature passes a bill mandating that all fire protection equipment be equipped with standard thread for 2½” fire hose coupling and hydrant fittings.
1974 Second fire station is built on 34th Avenue (Station 12). In November 1999 this station was dedicated to the memory of Chief Myers.
1975 Albany Fire Department Museum dedicated.
1976 Albany Engine Co. No. 1 Muster Team is organized.
November 1977 First Hurst “Jaws of Life” hydraulic rescue tool is purchased.
October 1978 “Thumper” mechanical CPR machine is purchased.
September 1, 1979 Ambulance service is taken over by Medical Services, Inc. in Eugene; nine paramedics and firefighters are laid off due to the financial crisis.
1980s First mutual/automatic aid agreements signed with other regional departments and districts.
June 27, 1980 Ambulance service is again taken over by the Fire Department.
July 1, 1980 Oregon Legislature passes the Smoke Detector Bill. This requires that all rental units and new homes be equipped with a smoke detector.
1982 Fire alarm bell is moved to museum.
July 1983 First citywide computer system is installed with very limited word processor and database capabilities.
1984 Water Rescue Team is developed. AFD is the first fire department in the state to have an officially sanctioned and supported team.
September 1986 ‘Gamewell Box’ fire alarm system is taken out of service.
October 1986 Linn County Sheriff’s Office takes over dispatch in preparation for the new countywide 9-1-1 dispatch system.
May 1988 ‘FireMed’ ambulance subscription program is implemented.
August 1988 A smoky, 21-vehicle pileup kills 7 and injures 37 on Interstate 5 near Albany on August 3.
October 29, 1989 Saint Mary’s Church burns down.
1990s Technical Rescue Team is developed.
1996 Administrative offices move to new City Hall on Broadalbin Street.
1997 Safety Camp begins, a joint effort between Fire, Police, and Parks and Recreation for a week-long summer camp for 4th – 6th graders.
1998 Department’s Mission, Vision, and Values adopted.
November 1998 Third and fourth fire stations built on Three Lakes Rd (Station 13) and Gibson Hill Rd (Station 14).
November 1999 First thermal imaging infra-red heat detecting camera is purchased.
August 2001 Albany Firefighters Community Assistance Fund (AFFCAF) begins.
2002 City votes to approve Public Safety Levy to fund eight positions and equipment replacement, and passes it again in 2006, 2012, and 2016.
2005 Awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant from FEMA to replace all self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs).
2006 Department joined State Hazmat group as Team 5.
June 2006 Life Jacket Loan Program started.
2008 Great Recession hits; hiring and equipment replacement is put on hold indefinitely.
March 2012 Station 12 received seismic rehabilitation and interior remodel; included new siding and exterior paint.
November 1, 2012 Hired six firefighters for two years through FEMA SAFER (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) Grant.
January 1, 2016 Community Paramedic program begins with a contract with InterCommunity Health Network-Coordinated Care Network.
May 31, 2016 Final day of operations at 110 6th Ave. SE (Station 11) and began temporary operations at Hill Street Station.
June 2016 Medic 71 program begins, a jointly staffed medic unit with Lebanon Fire District, stationed in Tangent.
October 4, 2017 New Station 11 opens (complete demolition and rebuild at the same location along with room for administration, fire marshal, and emergency management).  Fire alarm bell moved from museum to new station.
November 1, 2017   Hired six firefighters for three years through FEMA SAFER (Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response) Grant.
2018 The City of Albany begins using drones for emergency management, public works operations, infrastructure inspection and maintenance, environmental monitoring, and training purposes.
2018 Albany Public Safety Foundation formed to provide funding for CPR training to all Albany School District 8th grade students and provide AEDs in public locations.
February 2018 Department receives anonymous donation of a side-by-side ranger unit for off-road operations.
May 2018 Department adds body armor to PPE ensemble and tactical EMS equipment
July 1, 2018 Albany Fire Department begins providing fire and life safety services to the City of Millersburg.
August 2018 Awarded an Assistance to Firefighters Grant from FEMA to replace self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBAs) in place since 2006.
August 2018 Albany Rural Fire Protection District approves funding the purchase of two AlumaPro Rescue Water Craft and a Wooldridge Rescue Boat to replace existing aging equipment not specifically designed for water rescue.
October 2018 Fifth fire station (Station 15) opened in City of Millersburg in a temporary location.
January 1, 2019 Due to increases in hiring and coverage needs, 1/3 of the Department firefighter has 5 years of experience or less.
January 4, 2019 Albany Fire Department celebrates its 150th Anniversary.


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