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Hazardous Materials Response

Established 1983

image003In 1989, through the Oregon State Fire Marshall’s Office, it became a Regional Hazardous Material Team together with Corvallis Fire Department and Lebanon Fire Department. Now the Linn-Benton Regional Hazardous Materials Team #5 has 16 members from Albany Fire, 11 members from Corvallis Fire and 3 members from Lebanon Fire.

All members have completed a 160-hour Hazardous Materials Technician course as well as receive monthly training to maintain skills and knowledge. The Linn-Benton Hazardous Materials Team has 3 emergency response vehicles, 2 in Albany and 1 in Corvallis, which would respond as 1 team in the event of a hazardous materials incident. These vehicles carry various supplies such as personal protective equipment, decontamination supplies, chemical identification equipment, gas meters, and a computer suite for research and support activities. The Linn-Benton Team predominately covers Linn-Benton counties as well as portions of Polk County, Marion County and Lincoln County.

For more information of the State of Oregon’s Hazardous Materials Response Teams, please visit: 


Technical Rescue

Established 1988

image001The Technical Rescue Team has over 15 members trained in various rescue skills such as rope rescue, trench rescue, structural collapse, confined space, entrapped patients, automobile extrication, machine extrication and advanced heavy rescue.

image002The Albany Fire Department has a large enclosed cargo trailer designated for carrying technical rescue equipment and supplies.

Water Rescue

Established 1982

image001The Water Rescue Team has over 20 members that are trained in swift water rescue, dive rescue and advanced boat operations. Albany Fire Department has 2 water rescue boats (Boat11 & Boat14) and 1 personal rescue water craft (PWC11).

image003The Water Rescue Team responds to various water related emergencies such as floods, boaters in distress, victims in distress and non-emergency water related incidents. They also assist local law enforcement agencies with water related crime scene investigations. The Albany Fire Water Rescue Team predominantly covers Linn County and Benton County as well as parts of Polk County and Marion County.

For more information on Boating, Boating Safety and Oregon’s waterways please visit:


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