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All of these services are provided free of charge to low-income Albany residents. If you're interested, contact our residential safety line at 541-917-7700, option 4.

Smoke Alarms

smoke detector

Smoke alarms are needed in each room that people sleep in, outside of each sleeping area, and/or every level of a residence.

Carbon Monoxide Detectors

co alarm

Carbon monoxide detectors are needed if you use gas heat, gas appliances, or use a wood burning stove.

Fire Escape Ladders

fire ladder

Ladders are needed if people sleep on the second story of a residence.

Bike Helmet Program

bike helmet

Bike helmets are available for anyone needing one. Come get fitted with the correct size helmet for you.

Chimney Brushes

chimney brush

Chimney brushes are available for check out to clean creosote buildup in your chimney to prevent a flu fire. Annual cleaning is recommended.

Life Jacket Program

life jacket

Keep kids afloat and safe around water. Borrow a life jacket from any of the Albany Fire Stations.

More information...

Lock Boxes


Keep medications, matches and lighters out of children’s hands.

Residential Key Boxes


The boxes are mounted on an exterior location of a residence. Inside, a key to your door is placed. If emergency medical services are needed, we can open the box so we can get inside without having to break down a door or window to rescue you. Key Boxes are accessed by Albany Fire Department and Albany Police Department ONLY. They are secure.


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